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Country Club of North Carolina (Cardinal)

Pinehurst, North Carolina
Pinehurst, North Carolina
  • Address1600 Morganton Rd, Pinehurst, NC 28374, USA

The front nine holes of the Cardinal course at the Country Club of North Carolina were built by Willard Byrd in 1968 then he returned eleven years later with Robert Trent Jones Snr to add the back nine.

Around the turn of the new millennium, Arthur Hills renovated both the Dogwood and the Cardinal course, the latter is located on the western section of the extensive property and is by no means the country club's poor relation.

The front nine holes of the Cardinal course at the Country Club of North Carolina were built by Willard Byrd in 1968 then he returned eleven years later with Robert Trent Jones Snr to add the back nine.

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Robert Trent Jones

​Robert Trent Jones arrived in New York aboard the steamship Caronia from Liverpool on Monday, 29th April 1912, exactly two weeks after the Titanic had sunk on her maiden voyage across the Atlantic.

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